Saturday, February 23, 2008

A Start to My Garden

I received my seeds for our garden this summer. Right now they are being stored in a cool, dark cabinet until I plant them in a seed starter tray in mid-March.

Here is a list of what I will be planting:

Dolcissima Petunia Collection - These have the most beautiful colors. Last year they were all out of the Limoncello variety so I got some early this time and I can't wait to see how they accent the other two:

1. Limoncello Petunia
2. Fragolino Petunia
3. Flambe Petunia

4. Petunia Shock Wave Ivory - I love the off-white colors of these

5. Zinnia Envy - My favorite flower of all time (hence I made it my avatar)! I grew it for the first time last year and they were just gorgeous and every stage of their growth was beautiful.

6. Gomphrena: Globe Amaranth Strawberry Fields - It just looked interesting

7. Shasta Daisy Snow Lady - Daisies are happy flowers

8. Delosperma Stardust - These are supposed to thrive in hot, dry, sunny places which we have a lot of

9. Hollyhock Happy Lights - Love the shape and vibrant color of these

10. Linaria Enchantment - I like the delicate punch of color these offer

11. Coleus Chocolate Mint - I'll give it a try!

Here are a few links I found helpful:

Last Frost in my Area

Starting plants from Seeds - Garden Web

Starting plants from Seeds - Flower Gardening Made Easy

And I definitely want to put a container of fresh basil on our deck. Plus, I would like to someday grow these: Elliot breed of blueberry bushes (need to find where I can buy them).

I will be happy if half of these make it to our garden. Stay tuned!!!


Kerri said...

I need to put an entry together with my flowers too. Good idea. You've got some lovely flowers selected! I kinda wish I would've selected more petunias myself. I did them last year, and it was a lot of deadheading for me, so I am trying something a little less high-maint.

Your photos from last year are amazing!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see pictures this summer of all you are planting! :)

apt said...

Oh boy, oh boy!!!
It's almost time.