Hope you all had a great holiday. So, it is a couple days after Christmas and the days are getting longer so that means that spring is coming! So, I've already made my first pass through the Park Seed catalog. I just picked flowers based on if they caught my eye. I'll have to narrow the list down based on cost and if I think they will do OK.
*** All of the pictures are courtesy of Park Seed.***
Belles of Ireland
Petunia Dolcissima - Flambe - Proven over two seasons. Love the colors!
Tall Sunflower - Moonshadow - Love the off-white color
Zinnia - Envy - Still love these!
Tall Sunflower - Italian White - Again, love the off-white shade.
Yarrow - Summer Berries
Verbascum - Southern Charm - This one didn't work the first time I tried it but now with our seed-starting setup, I'm hoping it will.
Snapdragon - Terracotta Mix
Snapdragon - Chantilly Deep Orange
Phlox - Promise Peach
Poppy - Blue Himalayan
Purslane - Hot Mix
Poppy - Falling in Love
Petunia - Dolcissmima Fragolino - If I'm going to have petunia's, it's going to be these. I've had success with them two years in a row.
Petunia - Horizon Yellow - I'm going to try a new shade of yellow
Pansy - Pandora's Box - Love these colors!!
Linaria - Enchantment - Last year's success - love the color
Lupine - Sunrise
Delosperma - Stardust - We lost a lot of these last year because we put them out too early. I want to grow some more for ground cover.
Blue Knoll Chrysanthemum - This is one I tried the first time I ever grew from seed. It didn't work at all but now with our seed starter setup, I'm hoping it will.
Gomphrena - Strawberry Fields - These were from last year and grew beautifully! I typically don't like red flowers but this one I do like.
Foxglove - Yellow
Gomphrena - All Around Purple - Since strawberry fields worked so well last year, I thought I'd try purple.
Foxglove - Foxy
Coneflower - Magnus
Coneflower - White Swan
Catmint - Blue Carpet
Coneflower - Bravado - Tried this one the first time I ever grew from seed but it didn't do well. I'm hoping with our new seed starting process, that these will make it this time.
Butterfly Bush - DavidII Mix - Wouldn't mind attracting some butterflies around the house!
Osteospermum Asti - White - Love the purple center
I vote for more flowers named after defuct or current reptiles- a la snapdragons, crocdile flowers, or alligoator buds!
I'm making my list too! I can't believe how similar our tastes are! Did you do snap dragons last year? I was curious about giving these a go...
How on earth do you find the time?? My girlfriend sent me some seeds last year and I have still have to learn the whole process. Do you just throw down seed in the spring?
The blue knoll is very pretty. The colors on the purslane is beautiful too. Can't wait to see pictures of your garden!
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